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reverse(path, pair)

swap input and target data

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def reverse(path, pair):
    """swap input and target data"""
    for p in pair:
    return [[path, pair]]

rmAllSameTag(path, pair)

remove all same tag in tagging dataset

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def rmAllSameTag(path, pair):
    """remove all same tag in tagging dataset"""
    result_pair = []
    for p in pair:
        if len(set(p[1])) > 1:
    return [[path, result_pair]]

setAllSameTagRate(path, pair, seed=612, rate=0.27)

set all same tag data ratio in tagging dataset

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def setAllSameTagRate(path, pair, seed=612, rate=0.27):
    """set all same tag data ratio in tagging dataset"""
    allsame_pair = []
    notsame_pair = []
    for p in pair:
        if len(set(p[1])) < 2:

    asnum = min(int(len(notsame_pair) * rate), len(allsame_pair))
    print("all same pair:", len(allsame_pair), "have diff pair:", len(notsame_pair), "ratio:", rate, "take:", asnum)
    result = allsame_pair[:asnum] + notsame_pair
    return [[path, result]]

setMaxLen(path, pair, maxlen=512, tokenizer='word', with_target=False, handle_over=['remove', 'slice'])

set model maximum length

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def setMaxLen(path, pair, maxlen=512, tokenizer="word", with_target=False, handle_over=['remove', 'slice']):
    """set model maximum length"""
    global separate_token
    maxlen = int(maxlen)
    with_target = json.loads(str(with_target).lower())
    if tokenizer == 'word':
        sep_func = nlp2.split_sentence_to_array
    elif tokenizer == 'char':
        sep_func = list
        if 'voidful/albert' in tokenizer:
            tok = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer)
            tok = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer)
        sep_func = tok.tokenize
    new_sep_token = " ".join(sep_func(separate_token)).strip()
    small_than_max_pairs = []
    for ind, p in enumerate(pair):
        tok_input = sep_func(p[0] + " " + p[1]) if with_target and isinstance(p[0], str) and isinstance(p[1], str) \
            else sep_func(p[0])
        if len(tok_input) < maxlen:
        elif handle_over == 'slice':
            exceed = len(tok_input) - maxlen + 3  # +3 for more flexible space to further avoid exceed
            first_sep_index = tok_input.index(new_sep_token) if new_sep_token in tok_input else len(tok_input)
            limit_len = first_sep_index - exceed
            if limit_len > 0:
                tok_input = tok_input[:limit_len] + tok_input[first_sep_index:]
                if tokenizer == 'char':
                    small_than_max_pairs.append([("".join(tok_input)).replace(new_sep_token, separate_token), p[1]])
                    small_than_max_pairs.append([(" ".join(tok_input)).replace(new_sep_token, separate_token), p[1]])
    print("Num of data before handle max len :", len(pair))
    print("Num of data after handle max len :", len(small_than_max_pairs))
    return [[path, small_than_max_pairs]]

setSepToken(path, pair, sep_token='[SEP]')

set SEP token for different pre-trained model

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def setSepToken(path, pair, sep_token="[SEP]"):
    """set SEP token for different pre-trained model"""
    global separate_token
    separate_token = sep_token
    for ind, p in enumerate(pair):
        input_sent = p[0]
        if isinstance(input_sent, str):
            pair[ind][0] = input_sent.replace("[SEP]", sep_token)
            pair[ind][0] = [sep_token if word == "[SEP]" else word for word in pair[ind][0]]
    return [[path, pair]]

splitData(path, pair, seed=612, train_ratio=0.7, test_ratio=0.2, valid_ratio=0.1)

split data into training testing and validation

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def splitData(path, pair, seed=612, train_ratio=0.7, test_ratio=0.2, valid_ratio=0.1):
    """split data into training testing and validation"""
    train_ratio = float(train_ratio)
    test_ratio = float(test_ratio)
    valid_ratio = float(valid_ratio)
    assert train_ratio > test_ratio >= valid_ratio and round(train_ratio + test_ratio + valid_ratio) == 1.0
    train_num = int(len(pair) * train_ratio)
    test_num = train_num + int(len(pair) * test_ratio)
    valid_num = test_num + int(len(pair) * valid_ratio)
    return [[path + "_train", pair[:train_num]],
            [path + "_test", pair[train_num:test_num]],
            [path + "_valid", pair[test_num:valid_num]]]

splitDataIntoPart(path, pair, seed=712, part=4)

split data into part because of not enough memory

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def splitDataIntoPart(path, pair, seed=712, part=4):
    """split data into part because of not enough memory"""
    part = int(len(pair) / part) + 1
    return [[path + "_" + str(int(i / part)), pair[i:i + part]] for i in range(0, len(pair), part)]



simplify chines to traditional chines

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def s2t(convt):
    """simplify chines to traditional chines"""
    return cc_s2t.convert(convt)


traditional chines to simplify chines

Source code in nlprep/utils/
def t2s(convt):
    """traditional chines to simplify chines"""
    return cc_t2s.convert(convt)

Add a new utility

  • sentence level: add function into utils/, function name will be --util parameter
  • paris level - add function into utils/, function name will be --util parameter